
Open educational resources for the good of humanity

So onwards on the journey – Collaborative learning in digital learning environments.  In module two we have explored the concepts of open learning, sharing and openness. And what does that mean for my practice as a teacher? Honestly, previous to this module, I hadn’t thought much about open educational resources other than I’ve looked at a few sites to see if I could find useful material. For me, it has meant basically – finding free books online. Now, however, I understand that there’s so much more to it.

Sustainability of Open Educational Resources

In the Ted talk by David Wiley from 2010,[i] he is passionately promoting open educational resources. It’s all very nice but somewhat unrealistic to think that resources could be available openly and for free.  Today nothing is for free, and if nothing else, we pay to avoid annoying ads by giving personal information. I read a summary by David Wiley published on the OECD website[ii]. It’s from 2007 and covers the sustainability of open educational resources. He acknowledges that sustaining work that are given away freely is difficult but not impossible. This paper presents various examples and ways for funding. A reference is made to UNESCO and that it was them that in 2002 coined the concept – open educational resources. They wished to develop together a universal educational resource available for the whole of humanity. That reminded me of some recent news about UNESCO awarding a prize for efforts within open education, and I headed to the UNESCO website.

OER for the good of humanity

WOW…now that is inspirational! An article tells the story of a project “One College Student Per Village” that received a UNESCO prize for its use of AI to empower rural learners in China[iii]. It’s run by the Open University of China. They have set up smart cloud-based classrooms and use AI (artificial intelligence) to create customized learning plans for individual students. And it made me think, maybe OER is not so much talked about where I am because we are privileged in so many ways and most people can afford to pay for educational resources. But in reality, almost 40 % of the world’s population do not have access to the internet[iv].

The freedom to remix

Back to my practice…If I would use more material available under an open license that allows remix, adaptation and to build further on that would be really useful. I often find things I would like to use if I could only make adjustments without worrying that I’m infringing on someone rights. Even academic freedom could increase if we used more open educational resources. So much more than just free online books!







What is my DI?

No, It isn’t a typo. It’s DI as in digital identity. Who am I (currently) in the digital world, and what has characterised my journey so far?

One popular way to categorise people is Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. Which category you belong to is determined by birth. Digital natives are born in the digital age and always had computers, video games and the Internet. Marc Prensky introduced this idea in 2001 (Prensky, Marc, 2001). However, it’s not helpful to categorise peoples engagement online – by age only. Scientific evidence shows no such thing as a digital native, and their alleged ability to multitask doesn’t exist (Kirschner & De Bruyckere, 2017).

The concept of Visitors – Residents

In 2011 a paper was published in First Monday (White & Le Cornu, 2011). It presented a concept of Visitors and Residents to, on a continuum, describe people’s online activities. Visitor mode is when you go online to use a tool for a specific purpose but not leaving any visible trace. On the other hand, a resident has a strong personal presence on the web and uses it to engage with others. Residents leave traces in the form of profiles, posts, photos on the Internet. The visitor – resident continuum was later developed by adding an axis of personal – institutional use (David S. White & Alison Le Cornu, 2017).

My Visitor – Resident map

I used this map to reflect on and create a snapshot of where my current practice stands. As can be seen, the personal – resident quadrant has almost no activity. My resident forms of engagement are linked primarily to my professional role as a teacher. However, even in the resident – institutional area, most of my activities and traces are within closed groups such as with students in Canvas, our Learning Management System (LMS).

My Visitor – Resident map

I’m following lots of areas of interest on the web but rarely post anything. Even when I would like to post a comment on something, I usually want to think about it first, and then nothing gets posted. Sometimes I do ask a question, or for advice online on sites I trust. My personal side prefers to remain introverted as social interactions can leave me feeling drained.

So this blog is a step outside my comfort zone. I see value in engaging in collaborative learning and let’s see a few months from now how my digital identity has developed. My journey continues.

Read more:

David S. White & Alison Le Cornu. (2017). Using ‘Visitors and Residents’ to visualise digital practices. First Monday, 22(8).

Kirschner, P. A., & De Bruyckere, P. (2017). The myths of the digital native and the multitasker. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 135–142.

Prensky, Marc. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, MCB University Press, 9(5).,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf

White, D. S., & Le Cornu, A. (2011). Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement. First Monday.


Hello world!

How exciting; this week, I started a new course, and it also seems like spring is coming. The course is Collaborative Learning in Digital Learning Environments. So for the coming weeks, I will have the opportunity to explore the field of collaborative learning in a digital learning environment. Hopefully, at the end of it, I will be more confident to make informed educational choices. I will keep you posted on the process and share my thoughts. I found these wild blue anemones “blåsippor” when walking the dogs.

Early sign of spring