Committed to Global Priorities

Humanitarian Action or Alibi: Inequality Amidst Humanitarian Efforts What Makes a Global Challenge a Priority? As previously highlighted in the critical analysis of this blog, in which JustHumanitarian highlights its aims to raise awareness, provide thoughtful insights, and engage a broad audience in discussions on key global challenges—from disaster relief …

Humanitarian aid or Humanitarian intervention

Humanitarian Action or Alibi: Inequality Amidst Humanitarian Efforts Just as some natural disasters can be viewed as manufactured economic disasters, can the response to certain humanitarian emergencies caused by armed conflicts perpetuate or even exacerbate the issues they aim to address? Are humanitarian actions merely temporary solutions to much larger …

Are Natural Disasters Natural?

Humanitarian Action or Alibi: Inequality Amidst Humanitarian Efforts As the number of armed conflicts and natural disasters causing humanitarian emergencies continues to rise, the role of humanitarian actors is more crucial than ever. This JustHumanitarian blog aims to raise awareness, provide thoughtful insights, and engage a broad audience in discussions …

Interview with a Young Green Entrepreneur from Senegal

Green Opportunities in Africa Young entrepreneurs in Africa possess unique and often untapped potential to create sustainable economic growth. By investing in their talents, green entrepreneurs can help accelerate climate progress and build a more equitable and prosperous continent. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the green economy has …