Except for providing thought provoking content, a blog also needs to have a visual component. While discussing the visual aspect in the What the Aid collective, we were faced with dilemmas associated with sharing pictures online. Among other things, there are copyright issues, consent issues, ethical considerations, and the use of stock photos. Realistically it might not always be possible to take your own pictures for each separate blog post.
Therefore, we decided to go along with the themes of digitalization and ICTs, and add AI generated art as a visual component to our blog. This will be somewhat of an experiment for us. The prompts used for the AI generators will be based on written content from our posts, keywords, and relevant themes for the blog.
While we hope that our writing will give you new insights and food for thought, we also hope that the AI generated art will provide a lighter component to the blog, where we often discuss heavy themes.As we embark on this blogging journey, a question to ask is, what does AI think digitalization looks like in the aid sector? Hopefully we will get closer to finding that out as we go.
In the meantime, enjoy this first piece of AI generated art created with the Dream by Wombo app on the prompt: “Changes in charities and the aid industry in an era of digitalization”.