Category: <span>Digital Media and the (Self-)Representation of Refugees</span>

The power of self-representation in challenging stereotypical representations of refugees

I told them that a refugee is simply someone who is trying to make a home. (JJ Bola, 2018, 2:26) [20] In his poem, JJ Bola pictures refugees as simple and human as in that quote, contrary to how refugees are often represented in on- and offline mainstream media. As …

Self-representation of refugees – How does it exist in today’s digital media world?

“I remember when we first stepped off the plane. Everything was foreign. Unfamiliar. Uninviting. Even the air in my lungs left me short of breath. We came here to find refuge. They called us refugees […]”. (JJ Bola, 2018) JJ Bola came as a refugee from the Democratic Republic of the …

Self-representation of refugees – How does ICT connect to it?

“Imagine how it feels to be chased out of home. To have your grip ripped, loosened, from your fingertips something you so dearly held on to. Like a lover’s hand that slips when pulled away you are always reaching.” (JJ Bola, 2018) This is the start of the poem Refuge by …