Category: <span>General</span>

The Bias in AI: Case study of facial recognition technology

Facial recognition’s history can be traced back to its beginning in the sixties, which continued to develop until the recent research in this field (Libby and Ehrenfeld, 2021). In the seventies, NEC used the technology of facial recognition in Osaka Expo ’70 in Japan and it attracted a huge audience (Gates, 2016) and is still evolving to unknown destinations, like any other new technology it has its share of controversial debates, arguments, and ethical dilemmas.

A picture worth a thousand-word (Satellite imagery + AI + Aid = ICT4D)

Satellite imagery served as military surveillance purposes, but now it serves for several purposes especially scientific research, journalism, and the humanitarian aid and rescue sector among others. Satellite imagery provide a unique space-eye images of locations on earth that can be interpreted to extract and understand data and situations, Artificial intelligence (AI) help to expedite the interpretation and extract further data, and Machine learning (ML) help to develop and further expedite AI’s interpretation. Millions of satellite images are taken daily.

What the Aid? Meet us!

In an ever changing world, technology plays an increasing role in the aid sector – from the way we communicate for and about development, to the delivery of aid itself.  We invite you on our blogging journey to discover a range of thematic threads, where we try to explain the intersection between innovation and the aid sector.