Category: <span>Modalities of Digital Aid Delivery</span>

Defining the Ukraine response: tracking ICT colonial threads

The Ukraine crisis following the escalation of the 2014 conflict into a full-scale war stopped the world in its tracks. But as the international organisations and donors poured into the country and the neighbouring host communities, the response has also become a testing ground for the newest use of technology …

When technology helps to save lives: early-warning system in Ukraine

As I travel across Ukraine guided by the news flowing form the messaging and local online channels, the most prominent example of where ICT contributes to a common good is the app Повітряна тривога (‘Air alert’), which warns the citizens of the upcoming shelling and missile strikes, or even chemical …

Digital-aidisation – Ukraine response going virtual

  When the war in Ukraine escalated on 24 February, the world held its breath. But one of the world’s freshest humanitarian responses also created a unique opportunity for implementing innovative digital approaches from day one of the conflict and putting technology in place to protect civilians. From civic journalism …