What the Aid

Media framing Feminism

While the idea of feminist movement is to protect all women’s rights, mainstream women’s media has supported the view of celebrating only “few” feminist leaders, ignoring women from marginalised groups. So, the problem with mainstream feminism is that it is quite affected by colonialism in perceptions of race, class, sexuality, …

Self-representation of refugees – How does ICT connect to it?

“Imagine how it feels to be chased out of home. To have your grip ripped, loosened, from your fingertips something you so dearly held on to. Like a lover’s hand that slips when pulled away you are always reaching.” (JJ Bola, 2018) This is the start of the poem Refuge by …

Racism in Aid: Can the aid sector outrun its colonial past?

For a long time the aid sector seemed to hold some kind of unspoken “freedom from accountability” card because the whole sector supposedly consists of people in the business of generosity and “doing good”. This has changed during recent years when more marginalized communities (and communities ‘receiving’ aid) have become …

Social Media Platforms Tools Used to Help or Control: Telegram Channels to Guide Refugees from Turkey to Europe

In early September 2022, a campaign took place to launch a massive group of refugees marching to enter the EU borders, in a so-called “caravan of light” or “Convoy of light”. The plotting and planning had been conducted online using a channel of the messaging app Telegram estimated to have more than 70,000-followers.

Digital-aidisation – Ukraine response going virtual

  When the war in Ukraine escalated on 24 February, the world held its breath. But one of the world’s freshest humanitarian responses also created a unique opportunity for implementing innovative digital approaches from day one of the conflict and putting technology in place to protect civilians. From civic journalism …

What the Aid? Meet us!

In an ever changing world, technology plays an increasing role in the aid sector – from the way we communicate for and about development, to the delivery of aid itself.  We invite you on our blogging journey to discover a range of thematic threads, where we try to explain the intersection between innovation and the aid sector.