New Media Activism

Critical thoughts on digital activism, social engagement and development.
New Media Activism

New Media Activism

Insights from the digital ground

Dear readers, recently, I came across an interesting conversation between Jeffrey Masters from the LGBTQ&A podcast and Adam Eli, author of the book The New Queer Conscience, activist and community organiser with over 100k followers on Instagram and 6.5k followers on Twitter.  Jeffrey comes from quite a questioning perspective, one …

#Activism the power of social media for African Youth

Dear readaers, it is a lazy Saturday and a lazy Saturday means I’m probably watching TikTok number 372. Sounds like a lot, it probably is. But then I do know now how I can cook the perfect crispy chicken, how I should let go of what weighs me down, how …

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But is it broken?

Image Source Dear readers, humans are social animals. If you’ve ever read/studied anything psychology/sociology related, you will no doubt have come across this phrase before. It follows, then, that we as a species have developed a bunch of mechanisms that allow us to interact with another socially to learn from …

How I recorded the most cringeworthy video of my life

Dear readers, earlier this week I found myself awkwardly perched at the foot of my bed, on the floor, bent close to a PowerPoint to charge my tiring mobile phone so I could record myself making strange hand signals in time to the music in what was to become my …


Hey, you’re online! So are we. Dear readers, we, a group of five students from Sweden’s Malmö University, are extending our digital feelers into the world wide web. We are stoked about how we interact with new media in our fast-paced world and want to take this blog as our …