Blending Curiosity and Discussion to Explore Digital Development

It is not just the growing developments in big data and increased amounts of open data that have grown society’s interest in digital development or ICT4D. Nor is it only the benefits or positive impacts of these changes in the post-covid era of globalisation. The curiosity also lies in the implications and challenges of these developments. Society’s understanding of data is still fresh despite the increased use of new information communication technologies. This use has not translated into the full buy-in of several innovative processes.

Developing countries like mine, although impacted by globalisation and increased exposure to the benefits of big data technology, are slowly seeing the effects and the value of open and big data. Yet the buy-in is not fully there.

For these reasons and several others, my curiosity about digital development is nothing new. Working in development communications and data along with an undergrad degree in Information Systems from the University of London and some experience and knowledge of new technology and data4dev has given me first-hand access to the benefits of data, like solving communication problems in development initiatives through media monitoring, strategic campaign development and more.

I am excited to explore and discuss data for development through this blog, critically exploring changes within the digital world, particularly in countries like mine.



Photo by Federico Orlandi.

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