Take data with a grain of salt

There is something special to the news and their spotlights on media. Just like a family recipe, depending on the data ingredients in it and attention they receive the result can turn out different every time. It is fascinating how same news and events take different shapes and voices in the eyes of the beholder. Some already digested captions competing with framed “no comment” videos are subjects to be reposted over and over, adding a different context or comment to it. 

Lia happens to be the observer who takes time to analyse the received input from news and social media many times before making her mind about them. In the data kitchen she is speculating on the ways in which the communicated data is perceived given her academic past in languages interpreting, visual communication studies and from her professional career in HR and digital media. Together with her interest in cinematography, psychology and the way we intake information nowadays make her reflect on the way data is sometimes being manipulated, misused or simply misinterpreted depending on the tools that were chosen to communicate one or another notion. Lia is interested to explore how the data reaches social media channels and how big of a role its interpretation plays. 

Although new to the development area, Lia is excited about what data can become if seasoned differently.

Photo by: Lia Popaz

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