Goodbye from “Is Anybody Listening?”

As every great story comes to an end, so does our blog. The past two months, during which we built and filled the blog with content, were intense yet incredibly exciting and enlightening. Many of the topics we covered here are widely debated and require complex solutions. However, we hope that our posts have encouraged the critical thinking that many of us need to find some answers and possible solutions in order to effect meaningful social change in the future.

Militant online activism: Is Fridays for Future being left behind by the last generation? 

In an era marked by unprecedented environmental challenges, activism has emerged as a driving force for change and two significant movements have played very crucial roles within the last years: the Fridays for Future Movement and the Last Generation Activism.

About Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles: How do social networks shape our perspectives on digital activism?

Nowadays, news and information are no longer generated solely through traditional news sources such as radio, television or the newspaper, but increasingly via the Internet. By the emergence of social media platforms, we can consume news first-hand, without gatekeepers, meaning well trained journalists, and without paying for it.

How can social media promote social justice?

Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. We are increasingly moving away from face-to-face interactions, engaging in regular exchanges through social media platforms. It is highly likely that you, too, are using  social media platforms and have more than one account within digital networks. But what exactly …

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