Goodbye from “Is Anybody Listening?”

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Dear readers, 

as every great story comes to an end, so does our blog. The past two months, during which we built and filled the blog with content, were intense yet incredibly exciting and enlightening. Many of the topics we covered here are widely debated and require complex solutions. However, we hope that our posts have encouraged the critical thinking that many of us need to find some answers and possible solutions in order to effect meaningful social change in the future.

Looking back, we have addressed topics that we are personally interested in and in some cases also occupy in our everyday lives. Starting with postings on contested digital space in Myanmar,  Africa’s cyber environment, on to articles about social justice in digital spaces, digital art activism as well as climate activism, just to mention a few. The phenomena in social media related to the information people are exposed to online were examined and a closer look was taken at how these can lead to the reinforcement of existing beliefs and opinions. 

As we step into a new chapter of our study programme, we will carry the experiences we gained and the lessons we have learned. Reaching out and connecting to you has been a true honor. We consider it a privilege to share our perspectives and, in turn, inspire you to do so as well. Our hope is that we’ve sparked inspiration in you, fostered a sense of belonging, and motivated you to actively contribute to driving positive social change. 

Thanks for following us on this journey! 

Phil, Janet, Mila, Markel and Julia 

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