Whose voice really counts? The movers and shakers of the climate protest

#Listen to this post The recent mobilization of climate activists across the world for the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels marked a historic moment, reuniting climate activists and renewing the global movement for climate justice. Held in September, in advance of the UN General Assembly in New York, it …

Digital landscape: A hostile environment for climate activists

In an era where governments worldwide are becoming increasingly hostile towards climate activists, digital platforms emerge as critical spaces for climate activists to champion the climate crisis. While digital platforms provide a number of opportunities to raise awareness, support organization and protest within the broader social movements, they also pose unique challenges for climate activists.  

The shrinking and embattled digital space in post-coup Myanmar

Today, Myanmar ranks second after China in the list of the most repressive countries concerning internet freedom. But the digital development that already took place cannot be reversed, just like the drive, anger and creativity of a young generation deprived of freedom and aspirations cannot be broken.

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