
The blog name ‘The illegit activism blog – for legit activists’ is a play on the words legitimate, illegitimate, and the ‘i’ standing for the person who ultimately decides on the (il)legitimacy of activism on their own terms.

The illegit activism blog wants to explore what legitimate activism is and how activism on/through social media can be seen as (il)legit.

Climate activists leverage digital media and manage to mobilize millions in collective battle with memes, TikTok’s, and reels. At the same time, scientists appear to have it more challenging than ever to communicate their science and get policymakers, media, and the public to take it seriously. Serious journalism with fact checks and established processes for legitimacy is living side by side with activist journalism where stories are published with a click and instantly reached by the masses. When opinions can be shared freely with millions in one part of the world, censorship with alternative ways of communicating is the reality for activists in other parts of the world.

The illegit activism blog wants to examine communication from different activist groups fighting for everything from feminism to climate justice and look at how communication styles vary, with what effect and impact.

Our mission is to inspire, challenge, educate, and encourage people to become involved in activism topics, regardless of whether they label themselves as activists or not. Our goal is to draw attention and awareness to how development communication today takes many different forms and no longer is something owned and published by only international development organizations.

We want to showcase the many faces of activism communication and how activists use new media to contribute to global development.