The Activists Fighting Against Book Banning, Anonymous, and How They Are Linked to Professional Debates and Academic Literature

In my first blog post, I discussed how there has been a rise in the United States when it comes to censoring school curricula and materials available across school libraries. I mentioned how especially books related to LGBTQ issues have been targeted, and how this has caused outrage amongst countless students, many of which have been organizing together in order to demand the right to be able to read about such issues in their schools (Drabinski, 2023).

The Mobilization of Activists Fighting Against Book Banning

There has been a rise in the United States when it comes to censoring school curricula and materials available across school libraries. Especially books related to LGBTQ issues have been targeted. This has caused outrage amongst many students, and many of them are organizing to demand the right to read about such issues in their schools. The mission of The Illegit Activist Blog is to blog is to inspire, challenge, and encourage people to become involved in activism topics, regardless of whether they label themselves as activists or not. It is for this reason that it is worth raising the topic of the demonstrating student in the United States, since many of those demonstrating are people who have become engaged and that might not usually engage in such activist activities.