Risks and opportunities with blogging and micro-blogging from a journalistic perspective – Thoughts on blogging, truth, motivation and self-sanitation

Hi there, In this final blog post, I would again like to address the act of blogging for (il)legit activism and/or development, and put toe to toe with journalism, as I briefly touched upon in my first blog post. I will address social media as well, which here should be seen as ways of micro-blogging.

The (il)legitimacy of Activist Communication without an journalistic ethical Framework

In this first intro-post, I would like to briefly introduce you to a subject I intend to dive deeper into in following posts. The subject I will address is the act of blogging and using social media for (il)legit activism, and put this toe to toe with journalism. The first question we need to ask is this one: Is journalism activism? I would argue, and I think most journalists would agree, that it is not. Mainly because it’s sole purpose is to provide information, and doing so in an impartial manner. Being an activist is, one could argue, quite the opposite – you have a very clear agenda.