Global Citizen: Digital Dialogue in Turbulent Times

The aim of this final blog is tenfold in its approach and argues that global citizens who thrive in digital spaces bring valuable contributions and knowledge to multicultural societies, that they are self-made from their specific experiences and cultural characteristics, which are, in some cases, unique to their hybrid individual identity.

Climate change memes as an effective activist communication tool

Climate change memes as an effective activist communication tool As highlighted in previous blog posts, climate activists use a wide variety of communication styles, methods, narratives, and rhetoric for convincing, engaging, mobilizing and for putting pressure on policy makers. In my first blog post, so called shaming how-dare-you rhetoric from …

Risks and opportunities with blogging and micro-blogging from a journalistic perspective – Thoughts on blogging, truth, motivation and self-sanitation

Hi there, In this final blog post, I would again like to address the act of blogging for (il)legit activism and/or development, and put toe to toe with journalism, as I briefly touched upon in my first blog post. I will address social media as well, which here should be seen as ways of micro-blogging.

The Activists Fighting Against Book Banning, Anonymous, and How They Are Linked to Professional Debates and Academic Literature

In my first blog post, I discussed how there has been a rise in the United States when it comes to censoring school curricula and materials available across school libraries. I mentioned how especially books related to LGBTQ issues have been targeted, and how this has caused outrage amongst countless students, many of which have been organizing together in order to demand the right to be able to read about such issues in their schools (Drabinski, 2023).

Artivism, street art and the Global Impact of “Pimp My Carroça”

The essence of street art is to appeal to many people given that it is a form of art done in public areas, which may be perceived as unusual. Diverse art forms, like graffiti, and stencil, which are the ones I am approaching in this post with the “Pimp My Carroça” project, contribute to the vibrant and ever-evolving nature of street art, transcending linguistic boundaries and expressing opinions on poverty, war, environmental pollution, and other important global issues.

Online Activism under Censorship: The 2022 White Paper Protests

Online activism has become a powerful tool for social and political change in many parts of the world (Tüfekçi, 2017). In many regions, however, the internet is not as open and free of a space as we would like to think. China is a prime example of a country where online activism faces significant challenges due to government censorship and control.