How is that (il)legit Activism?

In this collaborative interactive blog post, we would like to explore how activists work with interactive communication in digital ways to create dialogue and participation around development questions. We take a closer look at activists using communication methods that seem to recognize this phenomenon, and instead of attracting passive slacktivism, invite their audiences to real engagement and contribution. Could activist communication that taps into digital/viral trends achieve more than just attention? And could this type of communication lead to enhanced engagement, dialogue, mobilization, and change? Or is Online Activism Slacktivism?

The Power of Multicultural Communication in Digital Spaces

As I mentioned in my previous blog, contextualizing digital information matters. We live in a world where books get banned from public schools because individuals claim it is about “divisive and controversial subjects” and “taught Critical Race Theory.” The contribution I want to make with my second blog is to turn our attention to differences and similarities and how we communicate with each other in multicultural digital spaces, since I socially engage in various global citizen activities daily, including work.