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Welcome to the (il)legit activism blog! Get to know who we are and what we're all about.
As politicians are banning books, youth are getting a crash course in collective organizing.
Can shame lead to positive change by appealing to guilt, humiliation, regret, or fear?
We must cultivate a habit of skepticism, asking critical questions - and the right ones.
For silence to have an effect, we must encounter it as an absence of expected noise.
Just as quickly as those movements spread, so can a false rumor or fake news.
Has Banksy's art created consciousness around pressing societal and political concerns?
Let's turn our attention to how we communicate in multicultural digital spaces.
This post explores how activists work with interactive communication in digital ways.
How China's (online) population used silence and symbols to voice their opinion against all odds.
Let's look at the (direct?) link between ‘hacktivism’ and the actions committed by Anonymous.
How diverse forms of street art contribute to express opinions on important global issues.
What are the risks and opportunities with (micro-) blogging from a journalistic perspective?
This post examines memes as an effective tool in the global conversation on climate change.
Global citizens who thrive in digital spaces bring valuable contributions to multicultural societies.
Wrap-Up: How we explored (il)legit activism through individual, yet interconnected, interests.