#NoBeijing2022: Connecting the dots between hashtag activism and art for social change

Activists are ramping up efforts to shine a light on China’s human rights abuses ahead of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and they’re using art (plus hahstags) to get their message across. The #NoBeijing2022 campaign is calling on governments and sponsors to boycott the Beijing 2022 Olympics (due to take …

#DoNotTouchMyClothes protest

#AfghanWomen post pictures of themselves wearing traditional attire on Twitter and Instagram seeking to defend the image of a woman in #AfghanistanCulture. This social media campaign of the recent months seeks to address current human right violations and gender-directed restrictions imposed by the Taliban rule. How do ICTs (information and …

#NotAnotherAuthor and social change on Twitter

Hello reader. Hello ComDev community. What comes to your mind and how do you feel when you see #BlackWoman, #SayHerName, #NotAnotherAuthor, #BBCBias and #NotGoodEnough? Such emotionally charged hashtags used in social media activism tend to immediately catch our attention, and we want to understand, to join in and to achieve …