New Media Activism – An effective approach to drive social change?

The following blog will be draw upon the linking concepts in “breaking the rules for social change” and “a government’s response to a social and digital movement” previously posted in New Media, New World. Both entries discuss the use of technology and social media as a tool to drive positive …

#JournalistsToo: The chilling effect of gendered violence online

“Any journalist going to cover a protest gets a gas mask, gear and training. That should apply online too,” said Julie Posetti. “News organisations must respond, but they can’t fix the problem… which is technological and political.” Julie, who is Global Director of Research at the International Center for Journalists …

How local turns global: Should movements be represented in the same way regardless of where they are in the world?

Back in 2017 the American actress Alyssa Milano tweeted ‘if you’ve ever been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet’. Source: Twitter This tweet became the top trending tweet and reached in 85+ countries around the world. This particular incident was triggered because it …

Compassion fatigue? Storytelling and impactful activism

What role does storytelling play in activism? How does impactful activism change the narrative? Human Rights Film Festival Berlin took place on 16-25 September 2021 under the theme “The Art of Change”. Its programme included forty documentaries from around the world on prevalent topics such as climate change crisis, gender …

#DoNotTouchMyClothes protest

#AfghanWomen post pictures of themselves wearing traditional attire on Twitter and Instagram seeking to defend the image of a woman in #AfghanistanCulture. This social media campaign of the recent months seeks to address current human right violations and gender-directed restrictions imposed by the Taliban rule. How do ICTs (information and …

#NotAnotherAuthor and social change on Twitter

Hello reader. Hello ComDev community. What comes to your mind and how do you feel when you see #BlackWoman, #SayHerName, #NotAnotherAuthor, #BBCBias and #NotGoodEnough? Such emotionally charged hashtags used in social media activism tend to immediately catch our attention, and we want to understand, to join in and to achieve …