How do we measure the “success” of activism in a digitally networked era?

My professional experience is very much in the formal development sector, and if you’ve ever been part of this world, you’ll know that results, monitoring and evaluation, and KPIs are part of the daily work. In an effort to know which solutions really work, and to be accountable to donors, …

Activism: seeing opportunity in technology and networks – part 1

Protests and movements for social change have always been part of human history. Technology and technological advancements have helped in the spread of ideas and the impact of movements throughout human history. In this post, I explore the ways two activists of different eras recognized the potential for technology to …

The Fridays for Future Global Day of Action: Talk Back reports

This past Friday, the 24th of September, the Fridays For Future climate movement held its first global day of action since the start of the COVID pandemic. Using the hashtag #uprootthesystem, protestors took both to the streets and to online spaces to demand intersectional climate justice. Two of our bloggers, …