Who are we?

Journalist. Interested in packaging academic and sometimes complicated ideas for the young, general public. Will cover the topic of postcolonialism in the context of ICT4D, aid work and communicating development.

Civil engineer and former physics teacher who has initiated a personal transition towards a different understanding of our reality, in which social equity, human advancement, and sustainable development should be regarded as the very core principles. Fully aware of how communication strategies and new technologies can contribute to modelling our legacy for the next generation, I am concerned about how bad practices in the aid industry can contaminate its most precious treasure, the legion of well-meaning volunteers that every year join an altruistic cause in the Global South.

Political scientist working in a government agency. Recently moved back to Sweden after a couple of years working abroad with migration in China and India. Passionate about people and fascinated by stories. Will try to give a different perspective on volunteering and aid work.

Communications professional working for an international NGO based in Geneva. Genuinely interested in social development and public health as well as their relation with knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of communities. Have a great understanding of various socioeconomic barriers to equitable access and care, and fascinated by the role of representation through different communication practices.

Currently living in Mexico, working as a coordinator for a small private university. Has a background in social sciences and has previously volunteered before. Will focus on this blog on volunteering in education and the current use of ICT for development.