Risky Networks Weekly Review – 11 October 2020

Risky Networks Weekly Review – 11 October 2020

This week Elli delved into the issues faced by social enterprises in social media marketing, Richaela presented an African feminist perspective on online gender-based violence, and Anna discussed the role of Facebook in pro-democracy protests in Thailand.


In Social enterprises – Balancing between target audiences and stakeholders, Elli considered the perception of audiences in the social media communication of social media enterprises. These companies are constantly juggling between the role of marketing and purpose-driven communication on social media, with the risk of their mission being undermined by commercial goals. Click here to read more about risks involved in how different stakeholders are taken into consideration when defining the social media audiences for marketing of social enterprises.


In An African Feminist Perspective: Online gender-based violence, Richaela presents the results of a study done by the African-woman led and operated civic research organization POLLICY around gender-based online violence (GBV) from an African feminist research perspective. The report brings up the extent of GBV in Sub-Saharan Africa and the lack of mechanisms to counter which presents a risk of deepening gender inequalities. To read more, click here.


In A catalyst for good? – How Thai pro-democracy activists struggle with and benefit from Facebook, Anna presents an example of the complicated and multi-layered role of social media platforms in social change through the example of Facebook for pro-democracy activists in Thailand. To read more about Facebook’s complex position between governments and activists, click here.

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