Welcome to the Development Spotlight blog!

Aid and Development work is important because of the direct impact it has on the lives of so many people all over the world. This blog examines the history, methods, motivations, and current big issues surrounding ICT4D, Aid Work and Communicating Development practices. Our approach is intersectional. And we aim to uplift other Development practitioners as you reflect on your own methods and intentions.

Whether you work for a multilateral agency,  are already a practitioner or simply have an interest in Development, we welcome you and invite you to follow our work.

This blog is brought to you by students in the Communication for Development Master’s Programme at Malmö University (Sweden). We all have different backgrounds and specific interests within the field of Developmen. We hope to provide you with thought provoking entries that will encourage you to reflect on your own work.

And please bring your contributions, experiences, thoughts, and critiques to the table; the comment section is open and waiting for you!

To learn more about each of the writers visit our ABOUT US page.

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