This week Ellimaija continues her series on the misrepresentations of development and social media platforms, Nina commences her series on the impact of limited access to information and misinformation on vulnerable groups and Anna again examines the role of Facebook in an crisis.
In Humanitarians of Tinder – Gamification and appeals to emotions in misrepresentations of development, Ellimaija discusses how the Humanitarians of Tinder Instagram account exhibited misrepresentations of development and representations of North-South relations in the media. Share your thoughts on how other gamified dating apps or accounts like Humanitarians of Tinder reflect misrepresentations of development. Click here to read the full article.
In #NoPhoneNoLife: Limiting access to internet by banning mobile phones in immigration detention centres, Nina explains how the recent introduction of an Migration Amendment by the Australian Government–to seize mobile phones from asylum seekers and immigrants in detention facilities–could suppress freedom of expression and right to information for asylum seekers. Let us know your thoughts on how this ban or similar bans on internet-enabled devices could limit rights to information for vulnerable groups. Click here to read the full article.
In Fighting the Infodemic – Facebook and the Fake News on COVID-19, Anna introduces a report on misinformation on health issues during the COVID-19 crisis. Facebook is a popular platform for spreading fake news and the current worldwide crisis once again shows how toxic the algorithm can be. Whose responsibility is it to avoid fake news and isinformation? And how can the infodemic be stopped? Share your thoughts. Click here to read the full article.
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