ICT4Bad: A Reflection on Critical ICT4D Discourse

According to Richard Heeks in Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D), in ICT4D, technology “is used to help deliver on the international development agenda” (Heeks, 2017:18).  Such technologies, could provide added benefits or affordances to developing societies such as digital information and new forms of communication as well as …

Risky Networks Weekly Review – 25 October 2020

This week, Richaela discusses Aadhaar, India’s national biometric identification system, data injustice, and how it reproduces inequalities for historically disadvantaged groups. In Aadhaar India: When well-intentioned innovation marginalizes, Richaela dives into the history of Aadhaar and discusses a few case studies, which highlight how the ID system misses the mark …

Aadhaar India: When well-intentioned innovation marginalizes

This is the third article in a critical series on when well-intended ICTs and online platforms miss the mark in transforming society. This article discusses the case of India’s biometric ID system, Aadhaar, and it linkages to social services assistance delivery and data injustice.

Risky Networks Weekly Review – 2 October 2020

This week Ellimaija continues her series on the misrepresentations of development and social media platforms, Nina commences her series on the impact of limited access to information and misinformation on vulnerable groups and Anna again examines the role of Facebook in an crisis. In Humanitarians of Tinder – Gamification and …

Risky Networks Weekly Review – 25 September 2020

This week our writers Ellimaija and Anna discuss the negative side of social media networks within philanthropy and ethnic tensions.    In Celebrity philanthropy: The risks of commercial social networks for development work, Ellimaija explains how the growing popularity of celebrity philanthropy on social media represents a new form of …