Coffee over Data writers: Introducing Clara

Coffee over Data writers: Introducing Clara


So I am Clara, the last one of my eminent blog partners to make my introduction post and that seems to be the story of my life always a bit late to the party because I am trying to do it all. At once.

I am a born and raised Swede, that atm are based in Switzerland, Zurich. I work as a video maker and visual content creator in the advertising industry… Almost like swearing in church but my work should make people want to buy things. Most of the times. And that is why I feel the need to learn more about communication for development. I believe I have a responsibility to understand how I create a change from within that area.

As a Swede the coffee plays a big part in my culture and most people cant survive without there daily “fika”. For me that is not the case!?!?! Maybe it is the typical addict saying, but I am not addicted to coffee. It’s true, I promise. I like coffee, I drink it quite a lot but not every day and I still function without it.

Now it would have been so beautiful if I would have used: but I am addicted to data as a transition to why you should ready this blog. But the truth is that I know very little about data. SO what the heck are you doing here?, you are thinking now. Well, as I told you in the beginning of the post, I was late to the party! 

So why should you read any of this?

But jokes aside, my plan is to understand more the importance of data when you communicate to create a change, either in people behaviour or in actual advocacy. And also then guide you through that and even maybe learn something from you! As also mentioned in the beginning, I come from the advertising side, so I feel a bit like the elephant in the room. But this elephant loves friendly informative, maybe even data driven, discussions. So please comment if you don’t agree with me or don’t understand my way of seeing it. Or if you just want to boost my ego and let me know that you agree with me.

Looking forward for these coming weeks and to hear from you!


Uhm… you had your coffee yet?

Also added this because if I have to choose something I am addicted to its pugs. <3