On being a White Saviour

You may have read my How to be a Clicktivist post, you ought to know that being a White Saviour is a level up in the Development Game. Unlike Clicktivism, White Saviourism is not a new phenomenon (colonialism, anyone?). Sure, these days White Saviours don’t commit genocides, enslave people, and …

How to be a Clicktivist

You’ve heard of activism, right? Making banners (where did I leave my paints again?), marching in the street (in the sun, in the cold, in the rain… urgh), and signing petitions (yawn!), and all those time-consuming things people in the sixties and seventies did… boring! These days, there’s a much …

#blacklivesmatter- the story behind the hashtag 

With the dramatic increase in social media shares, demonstrations around the world and attention in international media, I suppose no one has missed the Black Lives Matter movement. The movement grew immensely during the first half of 2020 after the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, two Americans killed …