A heartbreaking mouthful: Imperialist White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy.

In my previous four blog posts I spoke about Clicktivism, White Saviourism, the importance of intersectionality, and finally I offered some Dos and Don’ts when it comes to communicating social change. These were mostly lighthearted posts about deeply problematic issues, all, in my opinion, connected by what Nigerian author Chimananda …

Intersectionality is the antidote

Alongside Clicktivists and White Saviours, there are a few other belief systems and behaviours that might just be a little less known and a little more insidious. Here are a couple of them – with comics to lighten the load – and their antidotes (spoiler alert, one of them is …

The Role and Implications of Technology During the Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has completely reshaped the way we do our jobs, how we stay in touch with our family and friends, how we learn, shop, bank and a multitude of other activities that we might not traditionally have done online. For the 54% of the global population with access to …

On being a White Saviour

You may have read my How to be a Clicktivist post, you ought to know that being a White Saviour is a level up in the Development Game. Unlike Clicktivism, White Saviourism is not a new phenomenon (colonialism, anyone?). Sure, these days White Saviours don’t commit genocides, enslave people, and …

“Columbus Day” and the internet crusaders

As fate would have it, I was born in Madrid, the capital of Spain, more than thirty years ago. “Mine” was one of the first and more bloody-minded countries to develop and implement the system that legitimizes the invasion and expropriation of other peoples’ lands and resources. The system that …

Cracks, in Mathematical Models and many more

The following lines will explore how algorithms affect how police views and deals with, black communities. Are AI and mathematical algorithms being used by police departments in an ethical way that promotes equality, or are they being misused and are eventually rooting racism? The discussion will be in light of …