Black Lives Matter and its importance to international development

Three women running a movement that is uniting activists to participate in online and offline protests, addressing inequality, and pushing for social and political change is powerful. The Black Lives Matter movement is teaching us how a social movement can initiate social change, combine digital activism with traditional protests and …

DOs and DON’Ts of communicating social change

Feeling like I was doing a lot of pointing-out-all-the-ways-you-can-go-wrong in Communication for Development (and in life itself), so I decided to put together a (certainly non-exhaustive) list of dos and don’ts for those of us wanting to cultivate our empathy and be better at Communicating for Social Change. DO: First …

Creating change through online and offline activism

Black Lives Matter isn’t the first social movement to engage an international audience, create political and public engagement by using social media. Both the Fridays for Future movement (with Greta Thunberg in the lead), the Arabic Spring and #IWillGoOut have led the way in showing how social media can engage …