Data, ML and AI: The in-betweens of Technology and Communication

MALMO UNIVERSITY, Communications for Development  Course – New Media, ICT and Development, HT 21  Examination – NMICT & D: Individual assignment  Name – Sampurna Datta Paul  Date of Submission – 06.12.2021 (Late Submission)  Word count – 2,320    Data, ML and AI: …

Countering the extremist narrative, how social listening could help.

In my previous post I have highlighted a Public Health project in which Social Listening was effectively employed to not only provide optimized communication materials for health practitioners worldwide, but also advice and techniques to pre- and debunk misinformation. As the social …

Big Data for Development – What Magic Box can do to help reduce people’s suffering?

Hi everyone, welcome to the first week of this blog. In this short post I am going to talk about how big data can be used to reduce human suffering by predicting the disaster’s trends. Unfortunately, people rarely thinking about big data …