Shining light on the ways ICTs affect people in different areas of our global community. We pose the question: ICT4who?
Tag: <span>ICT4D</span>

Tag: ICT4D

Growing Europe: seeds of migration, digital soil, pruning language

In September I followed Growing Europe, a series of events on migrant entrepreneurship in Europe run each Thursday of the month. It was a collaborative effort of three projects that work to boost migrant entrepreneurship: European Migrant Entrepreneurship Network (EMEN), Network for Migrant Entrepreneurs to Scale Up and Grow (M-UP) …

Gender Equality & ICT4D

Welcome to my first blog post on the theme of gender, development, and information and communication technologies (ICTs). In the coming posts, I will focus on how ICT4D is used to pursue gender equality in the world while touching upon current topics such as COVID-19, online harassment, and decolonisation. ICT …

EdTech 4 Who?

In my coming posts, I will be exploring how different development organisations utilise information and communication technologies (ICTs). To achieve their ambitious targets, public actors and NGOs tend to favor partnerships with private companies. By looking at a number of different fields, I will also attempt to bring in conversation …


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